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Aside from running tach mod and tach sync, you can configure Tach by creating or modifying the configuration file as described below.


This is the project-level configuration file which should be in the root of your project.

modules defines the modules in your project, and accepts the keys described below.

exclude accepts a list of directory patterns to exclude from checking. These are treated as regex patterns which match from the beginning of a given file path. For example: project/.*tests would match any path beginning with project/ and ending with tests.

ignore_type_checking_imports is a boolean which, when enabled, silences tach check failures caused by imports under a TYPE_CHECKING conditional block

  - path: tach
    depends_on: []
    strict: true
  - path: tach.cache
      - tach.filesystem
    strict: true
  - path: tach.filesystem
    depends_on: []
    strict: true
  - .*__pycache__/
  - build/
  - dist/
  - docs/
  - tach.egg-info/
  - tests/
    - python/tests/**
    - src/*.rs
    - DEBUG
source_root: backend
exact: true
disable_logging: false
ignore_type_checking_imports: true


Each module listed under the modules key above can accept the following attributes:

  • path: the Python import path to the module (e.g. a.b for <root>/a/
  • depends_on: a list of the other modules which the module is allowed to import from, using their 'paths' to identify them
  • strict: enables strict mode for the module

Source Root

The source_root key is required for Tach to understand the imports within your project. If it is not set explicitly, source_root defaults to '.'. This means Tach will expect that your Python imports are resolved relative to the directory in which tach.yml exists (the 'project root').

Below is a typical case in which source_root is necessary.


Suppose your repository contains a subfolder where all of your Python code lives. This could be a web server, a collection of serverless functions, or even utility scripts. In this example we will assume the Python code in our repo lives in the backend/ folder.


In a Python module such as backend/, we can see imports from other modules.

# In backend/

import module3
from module2.service import MyService

Notice that these import paths (module3, module2.service.MyService) are rooted in the backend/ folder, NOT the project root.

To indicate this structure to Tach, set source_root: backend in your tach.yml, or use tach mod and mark the backend folder as the source root.

In tach.yml, the source_root is always interpreted as a relative path from the project root.


Tach allows configuration of the computation cache it uses to speed up tasks like testing.

The file_dependencies key accepts a list of glob patterns to indicate additional file contents that should be considered when checking for cache hits. This should typically include files outside of your source root which affect your project's behavior under test, including the tests themselves. Additionally, if you have non-Python files which affect your project's behavior (such as Rust or C extensions), these should be included as well.

The env_dependencies key accepts a list of environment variable names whose values affect your project's behavior under test. This may include a DEBUG flag, or database connection parameters in the case of tests which use a configurable database.